Faculty in AICOG conference held at Bangalore 2019.
Attended endoscopy workshop.
Faculty in west zone YUVA FOGSI 2020 conference held on 4th & 5th January 2020. Attended endoscopy workshop.
Operative Faculty In GALOP Program 2021 Done By Ethicon where we have demonstrate 2 live surgery and more then 1200 surgeons has attendee
Operative Faculty in GEST Program 2023 done by Lotus Surgical Pvt Ltd, where we have 5 case demonstrated and 15 surgeons has attained the program at our hospital.
Invite for gust lecture on Science of tissue management and various laparoscopic surgery at SVP Hospital Ahmedabad in 2023
Invited as faculty to deliver talk on laparoscopic burchcolposuspension surgery in case of hypermobile urethra in ENDO ATM Ahmedabad 2023.
Invited as faculty to delever a talk on various laparoscopic surgery in Gynecology at Mid-term Obcon 2022 Kumbhalgadh.
Invited as faculty to delever a talk on various laparoscopic surgery in Gynecology at AMACON -2022.
Invited as faculty to delever a talk on rer case of darmoied cyst removal from broad ligament to recto vesical space at 44th SOGOG 2021
Invited as faculty to deliver a talk on Science of tissue Management at Mid-term Obcon 2021
Special Achievement: - 21 Baby’s deliver in one day where 6 Normal delivery and 15 through cesarean section on auspicious day Janmastami 2022and it is recorded by world record of India.
Lower Segment Caesarean Section (3000)
Full Term Vaginal Delivery (5000)
Os tightening (500)
Obstetric hysterectomy (05)
Internal iliac artery ligation (06)
Hysterotomy (50)
Abdominal Hysterectomy (500)
Abdominal Cystectomy (100)
Vaginal Hysterectomy (700)
Abdominal Myomectomy (50)
Tubal ligation (100)
Sacrocolpopexy (03)
Transobturator tightening (04)
Laparotomy (200)
Wertheim’s hysterectomy (06)
Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy (1000)
Tubal Ligation (100)
Lap. Cervicosacropexy (20)
Lap. Cystectomy (50)
Lap. Myomectomy (100)
Lap. Wertheim’s hysterectomy (10)
Lap. Ectopic pregnancy removal (25)
Lap. Scar Ectopic pregnancy removal (02)
Diagnostic hysterolaparoscopy (30)
Lap. Tubal recanalization (02)
Lap. Endometriosis grade 1, 2, 3 & 4 (10)
I would like to start laparoscopic fellowship and training center at our hospital, Ankur maternity home and clinic, Naroda, Ahemdabad.
I am also interested to educate and trained resident doctors at various government and private medical colleges.
Gujarat Medical Council & Medical Council of India (G - 46574)
Ahemdabad obstretrician and gynecology society
(AOGS; Reg. no: 26836)
Indian medical association.(Reg. no: 2683