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Dr. Meera Patel

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Dr. Meera Patel


General Medicine

Doctor Timing

Professional Summary

Dr. Meera Patel is a dedicated and compassionate doctor with 9 year clinical and academic experience across both the UK and India. She has a wide range of experience in a variety of medical disciplines. She has worked extensively in outpatient clinics, emergency medicine and hospital settings.


● North Middlesex Hospital, London, U.K. – 2016-2017
● Whittington Hospital, London, U.K. – 2017-2018
● Amba Health Centre and Hospital – 2018 to present


● Membership of the Royal College of Physicians, London (MRCP UK)
● Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) from the University of East Anglia, UK
● Master of Science in Immunology of Infectious Diseases (MSc) at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK

Training and Recognition

● Registered and certified with the General Medical Council (GMC), UK
● Trained as an academic research associate at University College London (UCL), contributing to medical research


● DGJ McKechnie, M Patel, AO Papacosta. Associations between inflammation, coagulation, cardiac strain and injury, and subclinical vascular disease with frailty in older men: a cross-sectional study. BMC Geriatr. 2022 May 9;22(1):405.
● M Varadarajan, M Patel, N Kakkar. Are the results of the 2014 UK national survey on the management of diabetic ketoacidosis applicable to individual centres? Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2017 May;127:140-146. PMID: 28365561


Presented her research β€˜Subclinical cardiovascular disease and frailty among British older men without a diagnosis of cardiovascular disease: a population – based study’ at the national conference of the Society of Social medicine, Glasgow, UK in 2018.

Courses attended

● Basic Life Support/Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support
● Advanced Life Support (ALS)
● Acute life-threatening Events Recognition and Treatment (ALERT) course

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